Nurburgring - Sprint

24 Aug 24 18:15 CST
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Overview Race
View Championship Open in Simresults Download as JSON L/S = Overall Best Lap/Sector L/S = Driver's Best Lap/Sector
Total Race Time
Num Laps
Best Lap
Average Clean Lap
1 Artito Cup Granta Super Production 4 00:21:43.546 13 laps / 8 cuts 01:38.785
Tyre: S
01:39.092 0 92 - 164
2 Artito Cup Granta Super Production 7 00:22:00.172 13 laps / 6 cuts 01:39.863
Tyre: S
01:40.338 2 108 - 234
3 Artito Cup Granta Super Production 7 00:22:06.605 13 laps / 1 cuts 01:39.298
Tyre: S
01:40.595 1 37 - 150
4 Artito Cup Granta Super Production 3 00:22:17.215 13 laps / 2 cuts 01:39.409
Tyre: S
01:41.380 2 188 - 398
5 Artito Cup Granta Super Production 1 00:22:25.616 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:39.655
Tyre: S
01:42.002 3 50 - 254
6 Artito Cup Granta Super Production 2 00:22:35.656 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:41.559
Tyre: S
01:43.262 2 44 - 262
7 Artito Cup Granta Super Production 6 00:22:54.769 13 laps / 3 cuts 01:42.365
Tyre: S
01:45.112 1 (+2 after session) 253 - 412
8 Artito Cup Granta Super Production 5 00:22:55.411 13 laps / 2 cuts 01:41.973
Tyre: S
01:45.685 5 4 - 127
9 Artito Cup Granta Super Production 1 00:23:05.526 13 laps / 1 cuts 01:40.774
Tyre: S
01:42.854 3 103 - 240
10 Artito Cup Granta Super Production 8 00:23:12.974 13 laps / 2 cuts 01:43.669
Tyre: S
01:45.525 0 121 - 282
11 Artito Cup Granta Super Production 00:20:45.270 12 laps / 0 cuts 01:40.680
Tyre: S
01:42.545 1 31 - 163
Other Driver
Impact Speed (Km/h)
Relative Position
World Position
Show on Map
1 Collision with car 7.2 X: 0.9 Y: -0.1 Z: -1.4 X: -98.1 Y: 50.9 Z: -62.2 17:49:56 (CST)
2 Collision with car 7.4 X: -0.9 Y: 0.1 Z: 1.1 X: -98.4 Y: 51.2 Z: -62.8 17:50:00 (CST)
3 Collision with environment 24.8 X: -0.8 Y: -0.4 Z: 1.2 X: -153.2 Y: 53.6 Z: -768.0 17:50:47 (CST)
4 Collision with car 6.5 X: 0.8 Y: -0.3 Z: -1.6 X: -26.6 Y: 64.4 Z: -999.8 17:50:55 (CST)
5 Collision with car 6.1 X: -0.1 Y: -0.3 Z: -2.5 X: -51.6 Y: 64.1 Z: -1014.2 17:50:57 (CST)
6 Collision with car 16.3 X: -0.9 Y: 0.1 Z: 1.2 X: -28.2 Y: 64.9 Z: -1001.4 17:50:58 (CST)
7 Collision with car 34.5 X: -0.8 Y: -0.4 Z: 1.4 X: -35.8 Y: 52.1 Z: -129.4 17:51:17 (CST)
8 Collision with car 15.7 X: 0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: -1.6 X: -35.8 Y: 52.1 Z: -129.3 17:51:17 (CST)
9 Collision with car 4.4 X: -0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.3 X: -7.5 Y: 57.3 Z: -243.5 17:52:57 (CST)
10 Collision with car 11.5 X: 0.7 Y: -0.3 Z: -2.4 X: -7.3 Y: 57.4 Z: -245.5 17:52:58 (CST)
11 Collision with car 8.0 X: 0.0 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.8 X: -54.3 Y: 47.4 Z: 166.5 17:53:38 (CST)
12 Collision with car 8.6 X: 0.7 Y: -0.3 Z: -2.4 X: -54.2 Y: 47.3 Z: 166.8 17:53:38 (CST)
13 Collision with environment 27.8 X: -0.7 Y: -0.4 Z: 1.6 X: -86.8 Y: 47.5 Z: 139.0 17:53:43 (CST)
14 Collision with car 23.2 X: -0.9 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.6 X: -291.3 Y: 48.9 Z: 63.1 17:53:52 (CST)
15 Collision with car 12.7 X: 0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 1.2 X: -290.8 Y: 49.0 Z: 63.0 17:53:54 (CST)
16 Collision with car 19.0 X: 0.7 Y: -0.2 Z: -2.3 X: -28.7 Y: 53.0 Z: -141.0 18:01:44 (CST)
17 Collision with environment 37.9 X: 0.0 Y: -0.4 Z: 1.8 X: 43.4 Y: 46.8 Z: 227.0 18:04:04 (CST)
18 Collision with car 12.3 X: -0.0 Y: -0.3 Z: -2.5 X: -271.9 Y: 48.1 Z: -109.6 18:08:34 (CST)
19 Collision with environment 30.3 X: 0.6 Y: -0.4 Z: 1.6 X: 43.2 Y: 46.8 Z: 227.1 18:08:52 (CST)
20 Collision with environment after session end 22.2 X: 0.6 Y: -0.4 Z: 1.6 X: -31.0 Y: 54.6 Z: -188.8 18:12:14 (CST)
21 Collision with environment after session end 14.2 X: -0.7 Y: -0.4 Z: 1.6 X: -41.1 Y: 52.6 Z: -146.3 18:12:19 (CST)
22 Collision with environment 53.2 X: -0.7 Y: -0.4 Z: 1.6 X: -125.3 Y: 49.9 Z: -63.7 18:12:56 (CST)
Car Env Rel
Nurburgring - Sprint Nurburgring - Sprint collisions

There were no penalties in this session.

1st Roje Robinson in Artito Cup Granta Super Production
Best: 01:38.785, Potential: 01:38.585
Lap #
Race Position
Lap Time
Sector 1
Sector 2
1 1 01:53.573 00:58.151 00:55.422 1 S
2 1 01:39.781 00:46.325 00:53.456 1 S
3 1 01:39.437 00:45.879 00:53.558 0 S
4 1 01:39.173 00:45.777
00:53.396 0 S
5 1 01:39.142 00:46.006 00:53.136 0 S
6 1 01:38.785
00:45.977 00:52.808
0 S
7 1 01:39.105 00:46.031 00:53.074 1 S
8 1 01:39.112 00:46.165 00:52.947 1 S
9 1 01:38.911
00:46.094 00:52.817 1 S
10 1 01:38.924 00:45.824 00:53.100 0 S
11 1 01:39.110 00:46.136 00:52.974 1 S
12 1 01:39.588 00:46.235 00:53.353 1 S
13 1 01:38.959
00:45.962 00:52.997 1 S
2nd FLYINGSAIN in Artito Cup Granta Super Production
Best: 01:39.863, Potential: 01:39.770
Lap #
Race Position
Lap Time
Sector 1
Sector 2
1 3 01:54.488 00:58.508 00:55.980 1 S
2 2 01:40.447 00:47.064 00:53.383 1 S
3 2 01:39.834
00:46.616 00:53.218 1 S
4 2 01:39.863
00:46.525 00:53.338
0 S
5 2 01:40.969 00:46.595 00:54.374 1 S
6 2 01:39.914 00:46.432
00:53.482 0 S
7 2 01:40.533 00:46.767 00:53.766 1 S
8 2 01:40.241 00:46.701 00:53.540 0 S
9 2 01:40.123 00:46.537 00:53.586 0 S
10 2 01:40.585 00:46.770 00:53.815 0 S
11 2 01:40.779 00:46.788 00:53.991 0 S
12 2 01:40.862 00:46.669 00:54.193 0 S
13 2 01:41.612 00:46.794 00:54.818 1 S
3rd Roger Keller in Artito Cup Granta Super Production
Best: 01:39.298, Potential: 01:39.218
Lap #
Race Position
Lap Time
Sector 1
Sector 2
1 6 01:56.467 00:59.717 00:56.750 0 S
2 5 01:42.997 00:47.967 00:55.030 0 S
3 4 01:43.632 00:48.552 00:55.080 1 S
4 3 01:39.886 00:46.138 00:53.748 0 S
5 3 01:39.487 00:46.131
00:53.356 0 S
6 3 01:39.298
00:46.211 00:53.087
0 S
7 3 01:42.633 00:48.929 00:53.704 0 S
8 3 01:40.169 00:46.588 00:53.581 0 S
9 3 01:40.330 00:46.456 00:53.874 0 S
10 3 01:39.892 00:46.446 00:53.446 0 S
11 3 01:42.327 00:47.341 00:54.986 0 S
12 3 01:39.580 00:46.336 00:53.244 0 S
13 3 01:39.950 00:46.675 00:53.275 0 S
4th .SkPk. in Artito Cup Granta Super Production
Best: 01:39.409, Potential: 01:39.409
Lap #
Race Position
Lap Time
Sector 1
Sector 2
1 9 01:59.615 01:04.076 00:55.539 0 S
2 8 01:42.234 00:47.009 00:55.225 0 S
3 7 01:44.544 00:47.605 00:56.939 0 S
4 7 01:42.761 00:48.014 00:54.747 0 S
5 6 01:44.024 00:47.450 00:56.574 1 S
6 6 01:41.631 00:48.197 00:53.434 0 S
7 6 01:40.323 00:46.574 00:53.749 0 S
8 6 01:40.048 00:46.826 00:53.222 0 S
9 6 01:40.041 00:46.625 00:53.416 0 S
10 6 01:39.409
0 S
11 5 01:39.897
00:46.446 00:53.451 1 S
12 4 01:41.547 00:47.294 00:54.253 0 S
13 4 01:41.267 00:47.636 00:53.631 0 S
5th Yohanes Candra Kusumaputra in Artito Cup Granta Super Production
Best: 01:39.655, Potential: 01:39.389
Lap #
Race Position
Lap Time
Sector 1
Sector 2
1 11 02:01.696 00:59.384 01:02.312 0 S
2 9 01:40.338 00:46.675 00:53.663 0 S
3 10 01:53.940 00:47.547 01:06.393 0 S
4 9 01:40.233 00:46.340 00:53.893 0 S
5 8 01:40.421 00:46.669 00:53.752 0 S
6 7 01:39.655
00:53.618 0 S
7 7 01:40.004 00:46.414 00:53.590 0 S
8 7 01:39.974 00:46.568 00:53.406 0 S
9 7 01:39.749 00:46.397 00:53.352
0 S
10 7 01:40.204 00:46.780 00:53.424 0 S
11 6 01:40.135 00:46.306 00:53.829 0 S
12 6 01:49.117 00:55.013 00:54.104 0 S
13 5 01:40.261 00:46.369 00:53.892 0 S
6th SYARIF in Artito Cup Granta Super Production
Best: 01:41.559, Potential: 01:41.010
Lap #
Race Position
Lap Time
Sector 1
Sector 2
1 7 01:56.599 00:58.356 00:58.243 0 S
2 10 01:51.466 00:56.458 00:55.008 0 S
3 8 01:41.885 00:47.341 00:54.544 0 S
4 10 01:47.660 00:47.388 01:00.272 0 S
5 10 01:41.824 00:47.239
00:54.585 0 S
6 10 01:41.944 00:47.386 00:54.558 0 S
7 10 01:42.030 00:47.976 00:54.054 0 S
8 8 01:42.626 00:47.461 00:55.165 0 S
9 8 01:42.062 00:47.455 00:54.607 0 S
10 8 01:41.559
00:47.307 00:54.252 0 S
11 8 01:41.655 00:47.884 00:53.771
0 S
12 8 01:42.365 00:47.650 00:54.715 0 S
13 6 01:42.076 00:47.325 00:54.751 0 S
7th Spiltdestructor in Artito Cup Granta Super Production
Best: 01:42.365, Potential: 01:41.866
Lap #
Race Position
Lap Time
Sector 1
Sector 2
1 2 01:53.945 00:56.760 00:57.185 1 S
2 7 01:47.714 00:48.656 00:59.058 0 S
3 6 01:42.809 00:47.477 00:55.332 0 S
4 6 01:44.295 00:48.486 00:55.809 0 S
5 7 01:46.155 00:48.329 00:57.826 1 S
6 8 01:43.185 00:48.105 00:55.080
0 S
7 8 01:44.246 00:46.786
00:57.460 0 S
8 9 01:44.074 00:47.298 00:56.776 0 S
9 10 01:54.963 00:59.090 00:55.873 0 S
10 10 01:43.599 00:47.601 00:55.998 0 S
11 10 01:42.365
00:47.223 00:55.142 0 S
12 10 01:43.606
00:47.927 00:55.679 1 S
13 7 01:43.874 00:47.687 00:56.187 0 S
8th ZENRO in Artito Cup Granta Super Production
Best: 01:41.973, Potential: 01:41.913
Lap #
Race Position
Lap Time
Sector 1
Sector 2
1 4 01:54.844 00:57.586 00:57.258 0 S
2 3 01:44.127 00:47.832 00:56.295 0 S
3 9 01:54.493 00:48.689 01:05.804 0 S
4 8 01:41.480
00:46.887 00:54.593 1 S
5 9 01:43.624 00:48.090 00:55.534 0 S
6 9 01:42.254
00:47.179 00:55.075 1 S
7 9 01:41.973
00:54.986 0 S
8 10 01:51.712 00:55.997 00:55.715 0 S
9 9 01:45.760 00:50.208 00:55.552 0 S
10 9 01:42.794 00:47.719 00:55.075 0 S
11 9 01:42.305 00:47.252 00:55.053 0 S
12 9 01:43.142 00:48.216 00:54.926
0 S
13 8 01:46.923 00:47.369 00:59.554 0 S
9th kass in Artito Cup Granta Super Production
Best: 01:40.774, Potential: 01:40.657
Lap #
Race Position
Lap Time
Sector 1
Sector 2
1 5 01:55.746 00:59.095 00:56.651 0 S
2 4 01:43.356 00:47.907 00:55.449 0 S
3 3 01:41.965 00:47.893 00:54.072 0 S
4 4 01:42.696 00:47.103 00:55.593 0 S
5 4 01:41.389 00:47.376 00:54.013 0 S
6 4 01:41.211 00:46.868 00:54.343 0 S
7 4 01:41.479 00:47.007 00:54.472 0 S
8 4 01:40.774
00:46.922 00:53.852
0 S
9 4 01:41.165 00:46.805
00:54.360 0 S
10 4 01:40.992 00:46.929 00:54.063 0 S
11 4 01:43.090 00:47.673 00:55.417 1 S
12 7 01:53.522 00:48.642 01:04.880 0 S
13 9 02:18.189 01:23.387 00:54.802 0 S
10th Don Dasun in Artito Cup Granta Super Production
Best: 01:43.669, Potential: 01:43.542
Lap #
Race Position
Lap Time
Sector 1
Sector 2
1 10 02:01.158 01:01.870 00:59.288 0 S
2 11 01:49.840 00:51.655 00:58.185 0 S
3 11 01:45.760 00:48.574 00:57.186 0 S
4 11 01:44.752 00:48.983 00:55.769
0 S
5 11 01:45.026 00:48.394 00:56.632 0 S
6 11 01:43.669
00:47.802 00:55.867 0 S
7 11 01:44.828 00:47.773
00:57.055 0 S
8 11 01:44.285 00:48.310 00:55.975 0 S
9 11 01:45.289
00:49.548 00:55.741 1 S
10 11 01:45.580 00:48.948 00:56.632 0 S
11 11 01:45.837 00:49.308 00:56.529 0 S
12 11 01:46.334 00:48.500 00:57.834 1 S
13 10 01:45.676 00:49.075 00:56.601 0 S
11th JanLegend in Artito Cup Granta Super Production
Best: 01:40.680, Potential: 01:40.446
Lap #
Race Position
Lap Time
Sector 1
Sector 2
1 8 01:57.351 01:00.304 00:57.047 0 S
2 6 01:43.549 00:47.907 00:55.642 0 S
3 5 01:43.307 00:47.688 00:55.619 0 S
4 5 01:41.936 00:47.698 00:54.238 0 S
5 5 01:41.243 00:47.172 00:54.071 0 S
6 5 01:41.145 00:46.992 00:54.153 0 S
7 5 01:41.123 00:47.259 00:53.864
0 S
8 5 01:40.825 00:46.582
00:54.243 0 S
9 5 01:41.773 00:47.103 00:54.670 0 S
10 5 01:40.680
00:46.653 00:54.027 0 S
11 7 01:43.652 00:47.105 00:56.547 0 S
12 5 01:48.763 00:51.334 00:57.429 0 S